North Node Capricorn Book

North Node Capricorn, South Node Cancer

North Node Capricorn Past Life, North Node Capricorn Life Purpose, North Node Capricorn Soul Transformation

By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Capricorn One Sentence Mantra

North node Capricorn: I am no longer vulnerable, emotional, and passive. It is time for me to take control of everything calmly and steadfastly, no matter how nervous or frail I am!

North Node Capricorn Karmic Debts

For a long time, north node Capricorn was led or taken care of by others. They are used to domestic life, and fond of the kitchen and food. They were mothers, children, or spouses who were completely clingy and dependent to the extent that they lost the practical skills to make a living in a society or even lost the autonomy to make a sensible decision for themselves.

It is common that no matter how talented or gifted they are in this lifetime, they do everything clumsily like a new beginner, because even the most routine social activity, as long as it is not domestically related, they find it difficult to adjust. The only tool for survival left to them from previous incarnations is using their overabundant emotions to control others, however, to no avail.

North Node Capricorn Against All the Odds

When you have nothing, there is nothing to lose! Do not Fear. It is the key to turning the table around for north node Capricorn and helping them make all the odds against them into stepping stones to cross the rough river they have to face in this lifetime. As the soul test is tough, and the lesson for them is to learn to shoulder greater responsibilities, they are destined to become someone important in their life circle or at least someone to be relied upon if they can overcome the following odds:

Odd 1: Over-dependent on others that debilitate one's own autonomy

Odd 2: Cling to the past and take the past as present and future

Odd 3: Fear to get hurt and fear to take initiative to win or face the facts

Odd 4: Low self-respect and constant self-doubt that lead to impulsive action

Soul Transformation

Bear with fear, bear with hard-to-swallow facts, bear with the vulnerable self and feelings. To transform the north node Capricorn's soul, the very first step is to garner his/her own courage to face life single-handedly.

North Node Capricorn

For those who are born in the following years

Mar. 9, 1935---Sept. 14 , 1936

Oct. 10, 1953---Apr. 2, 1955

Apr. 28, 1972---Oct. 27, 1973

Nov. 19, 1990---Aug. 1, 1992

We all have different unnamable pains in life that we must suffer to move forward, which could look strange to others. Do you wonder?

Get MORE enlightened and Emotional Rapport with The Song of Souls!


I can hear you

When I pass you by

the inner beat of heart

The trembling voices

The unspoken words

I can see you

Without raising my eyes

I know what you want to do

Even before you decide to open up

I see the past, the present, maybe future

Until I lost myself

In the seas of my abyssal emotions


The Song of Souls for North Node Capricorn is available at here

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