North Node in 8th House

North Node in the 8th House has an intense and transcendental life area to be developed. They need to work on getting transformed with their partner in a deep way for achieving spiritual rebirth as their higher calling, instead of just focusing on the mundane material life with feelings and thoughts of themselves in a rut, in this life. 

Question 1: 

1. What about the North Node 8th House with Different North Node Signs? 


Many people confuse the north node house energy with the north node sign energy. The North Node House represents the environment of our spiritual growth for the North Node Sign. They are like the two sides of the same coin. But how do they relate to each other? It needs a sound analysis of each influencing factor in that north node house.

Question 2: 

2. Is the 8th House North Node energy the same as the energy of the North Node Scorpio?


The Native of North Node in the 8th House has an intense partnership spiritual setting signified by Scorpio to develop their respective strengths and traits. But its manifesting ways can be quite different if it has a different north node sign on it.  We all live the same earthly life in different ways. We even pursue the same career goals with different approaches. So, I have applied the following analysis in detail (See Below) to help you realize the true potential of spiritual growth for your particular North Node sign in the 8th house.

-By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Aries in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be assertive and daring in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Aries in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the business dealer for your own survival or being mediocre for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Aries in the 8th house put your Aries soul energy on the front line of your personal growth. It is important to display Aries's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak more and speak assertively and do more, being daring and adventurous when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Taurus in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be self-reliant and practical in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Taurus in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues and transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and fundamental. Gone is the intense partnership for your possessions and self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your collaborative mind. North Node Taurus in the 8th house put your Taurus's soul energy on the front line of your personal growth and transformation. It is important to display Taurus's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive independent energies during the process of your spiritual growth. Speak less and speak assertively and do more, being pragmatic and perseverant when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Gemini in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be analytical and thoughtful in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Gemini in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the business dealer for your own survival or being mediocre for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Gemini in the 8th house put your Gemini soul energy on the front line of your personal growth. It is important to display Gemini's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak more and speak intelligently and interact more, being cheerful and curious when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Cancer in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be assertive and daring in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Cancer in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the business manager for your own survival or for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Cancer in the 8th house put your Cancer soul energy on the front line of your personal growth. It is important to display Cancer's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak tenderly and speak warmly and care more, being sensitive and considerate when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Leo in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be assertive and daring in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Leo in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the courteous manner for your own survival or being objective for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Leo in the 8th house put your Leo soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Leo's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak more and speak assertively and do more, being daring and aggressive when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Virgo in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be assertive and daring in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Virgo in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the dreamy manner for your own survival or being romantic for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Virgo in the 8th house put your Virgo soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Virgo's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak carefully and speak soundly and do more, being meticulous and logical when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Libra in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be diplomatic and tactic in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Libra in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the dreamy manner for your own survival or being adventurous for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-oriented mind. North Node Libra in the 8th house put your Libra soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Libra's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak considerately and speak circumspectively, being compromising and flexible when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Scorpio in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be ambitious and determinative in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Scorpio in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the steadfast manner for your own survival or being romantic for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Scorpio in the 8th house put your Scorpio soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Scorpio's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak discreetly and speak smartly, being loyal and committed when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Sagittarius in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be ambitious and determinative in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Sagittarius in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the steadfast manner for your own survival or being romantic for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Sagittarius in the 8th house put your Sagittarius soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Sagittarius's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak adventurously and speak intuitively, being flexible and optimistic when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfullymore

North Node Capricorn in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be determinative in integrating your own benefit with others. With your north node Capricorn in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the unstable manner for your own survival or being parasitic on others for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your moody heart. North Node Capricorn in the 8th house put your Capricorn soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Capricorn's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak less and speak responsibly, being practical and perseverant when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Aquarius in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to be ambitious and determinative in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Aquarius in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the proud and aggressive manner for your own survival or being self-centered for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Aquarius in the 8th house put your Aquarius soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Aquarius's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak generously and speak humbly, being altruistic and kind when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more

North Node Pisces in 8th House

You are encouraged to delve deeply into the core meaning of your life and complete a thorough awakening transformation. In a matter of shared property or finance, you are strongly advised to venture into the unknown in claiming your own benefit. With your north node Pisces in the 8th house, you are coming to this life to get through the crisis and thorny issues to transform everything you experienced deeply into something new and spiritual. Gone is the steadfast calculating manner for your own survival or being systematic for self-worth. This time, life seriously challenges you to do big and act big and dream big for all things that you never dared to think about, especially when you were in your childhood, where past life experiences' influences were still quite strong on your self-sufficient mind. North Node Pisces in the 8th house put your Pisces soul energy on the front line of your profound personal growth. It is important to display Pisces's potential in sex, inheritance, and shared wealth to practice and foster your positive energies in the process of your spiritual growth. Speak softly and speak intuitively, being flexible and psychic when addressing joint properties and transformative experiences will bring you fulfillment joyfully more