Emotional Intelligence: 

Desert of Emotions

Every morning

When my eyes open

Feelings of meaningless and tiredness

Coupled with solid dry boredom

Prevail and persist

Hope, like a beam afar in the late night

Is a mystery

Too far to reach

Breathless in the heaviness of old debris

The whole world is too old to move on

But the seeming meaningless life

Hides unspeakable philosophy & wisdom of this life

The unnamable pain and the sudden insight

Are both found glittering

In the desert of emotion!

(C) Wei Chen 2017

Comment by Author: Emotional Intelligence is a rare gift that we can have to turn the right corner at each different tough life crossroads. We all have various extent of such intelligence according to our genetic traits, life experiences, growing environment, and education impacts etc. It is the beam of the world that we think we lost. It is the wake-up call from the deep spiritual coma. It is the life saver before throwing ourselves into an endless pit. Our emotion is shapeless but the intelligence of it can help us spot invisible alarms or gleams of hope that our logic cannot discern. Many people are controlled by emotions and their logic works for their emotions. Emotions without its intelligence weaves a net of darkness where we not only lose the sight of ourselves, but also lose correct connections with other people.

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