Inspirational Quotes

Source:  Chris Wei Chen  All Rights Reserved (c) 2014-2024

Self Inspirational Quotes 

The Truth of Blame

When we suffer from a broken heart, we instinctively tend to blame others and fall into a victim's mental state. We would never imagine that it is ourselves who created such a helpless situation from our originally broken hearts.  


Self-defeating is the main cause of a broken heart because as the word "self-defeating" means, it targets to break our own heart as an automatic killer at the very moment we try to figure out the meanings of others. 

Twisted Lens of Bias

Vivid & horrible dark shadows in our own inner heart haunt us incessantly during our communications with others. We process the words and facts by our own logic, though biased and inaccurate, to draw a wrong conclusion that is so hurtful to our hearts. 

Self Confidence

Even if your broken heart is not caused by your own self-defeating mentality, self-confidence gives you more strength and love to comfort and heal your broken heart. 

Life is a Self-Directed Play

When we are going through a heartbroken love or crisis along the road of life, the show is going on like what is played on TV. We are actors, actresses, directors, and storytellers at the same time. We met love, hardships, hope, courage, disappointment, disillusions, jealousy, etc. We fall and stand up again and again. Finally, we bloom and grow, becoming more and more beautiful, approaching the endless light with divinity. 


It is through transformation, we throw out all the false and the fake, leaving only the truthful within us. 

Heart-breaking is a Test

Having a heart-breaking experience is to remind you to look within for self-love, where you can find strength, perspective, wisdom, and much more..., as a test, the Universe is examining you on multiple levels. 

Inspirational Quotes for Women