Spiritual Healing

Everything About Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a thing that exists with human beings, all the time.  But what exactly is the spiritual healing? A lot of folks focus spiritual healing on its religious content. But it seems too hard for people to accept religion as most religions were written too long time ago. Modern people do not have vivid contexts of religions to truly understand them or even perceive the power of religions at their highest time. Moreover, religion has been misunderstood and even revamped by people because of various factors, be social or individual. 

There are also a lot of people who deem spiritual healing a technical thing by stressing the importance of technique in breathing, feelings of healing, and visionary power of mind. However, this empirical approach does not work for the majority of people. After all, people who could see the extraordinary halo of energy are quite rare. Most people are not gifted with spirituality in their whole life. 

So, although there are so many spiritual healing lessons or trainings around the globe, people keep suffering their lives to no avail. All the pains are created by self, do you know? All the problems of life have to be faced and tackled by self. The way to spiritual healing lies in the solution to resolve the pains of life. Before we get there, we need to know what the pains of life are, in a spiritual sense. Do they exist? Can we fix them?

Pains of Life Are Void in the Spiritual Dimension

Why do we feel pain constantly throughout our life? We are all innocent and pure and carefree when we are born. It must be our life that makes us painful.  Sounds good? If so, what makes our life painful? Is it the external world or our environment including our lovers, caused so much pain within us? If it is true, then why do different people have different reactions to the same version of life scene? For example, some parents might be perfect for someone, but awful for others, a different person can feel happy for some event that turns out to be a nightmare for others. No, it is not an external thing that makes us painful. It is something inside us that truly upsets us. There are many stories stored in our souls before we come to this life. From previous life experiences, we have accumulated our unique life reactions and particular emotional patterns. To know the root of life pains, we need to trace back to our spiritual contracts with the world and others. To dig more to find the source of the pains in life, you might be enlightened with my book: Love Bible Serial 1: Life Contract.

Once we learn the lessons of our life for this incarnation, we will feel much calmer about all our setbacks, whether it is love or career. Our life contract is a great deal that we make with God, the divine universe. Our spiritual energy bank helps us to fully understand when it is the best time to release or let go of something bad. If we do not go with the flow, we will end up losing more positive energy of ourselves and giving more negative energy to someone or something, and we will be asked to pay back sooner or later.  The karmic circle.  To repeat the same mistake or remain the retard tendency in our personality or life patterns WILL inevitably cause the pains of life. Luckily, because the same mistakes have to be zeroed finally to grow spiritually, they are vain as a result. 

There is No Need to Escape Pains in Spiritual Healing

Pains are awakening stimuli for those big traps of our lives. Pains shall be appreciated for reminding us of the deviations we made in our lives.  No Pain, No Gain. The pain of life is calling you up to pay attention to your true spiritual needs. All spiritual illnesses start from a depletion of spirit. But as people are blind if not blessed with wisdom, we often only know the pains but do not know the depletion in our souls. Sometimes, we even could not describe the unnamable pains. Because of this darkness, we fear and escape when pains try to stop us from proceeding to our next stage of life. Like patients who cannot find the cure for pains, we tend to reduce our pains by being oversensitive to protect our hearts, such as mysophobia, depression, or other obsessive-compulsive disorders.  How to heal pains in our souls? Nothing to fear but fear. As the saying goes, fear is the biggest monster in the spiritual world. A step-by-step illustration of fear in love can be found here: Love Bible Series 2: Do Not Fear.

The Heart in Spiritual Healing

Our heart is where our soul resides. If our heart is sick or harmed, the carrier of our soul, our body cannot function properly. The heart does not need reason or logic. The heart has its cause and timing. It is always perfect for you no matter how miserable or how confused you are now. It knows exactly where you need to grow. So, accept it, with all your respect. When the heart speaks, let it speak, fully, randomly, and freely. Let your heart be felt, be heard, be touched. Spiritual healing starts from recognizing your own heart. Admitting our heart's feelings is to accept self because our heart embodies the whole story of our past, present, and future. The book of Love Bible: Lover's Heart does not only tell you how genuine our heart is, but how much our heart can tell us if we just let it voice and let it cry!

Spiritual Healing lies in Your Strength

Every hurdle of our life is a test of a spiritual lesson. Each frustrating experience reflects a depletion in our soul. Absent numerous temperaments, we cannot become sturdy and steady in spiritual dimensions. We think we cannot, but we finally can! Get inspiration when you feel tired from Love Bible Series 4: Love Hurdles.