Legal Restrictions

The ebooks on this website:  All Copyrights Are Reserved by Author:  Wei Chen 

One User Per Book

An important condition of the license:

When you buy an ebook from, it can only be used by one individual. Lending and sharing are not permitted.

It is not permitted to buy one copy of an ebook and then load it onto multiple devices for several people to use. Nor can you load a book onto a device and then pass the device on to multiple individuals one after another.

If you buy an ebook and give it to another person, it is theirs to keep for life. But they may not then lend or share it with another user.

If you want to provide, say, 10 copies of an ebook to 10 people, you will need to pay for 10 copies, and then distribute the ebooks to the 10 people. (We'll show you how.)

Legal Obligations: