Rune Meanings in Love and Career

Rune meanings in the main areas of life, such as love and career, to help you find accurate inner guidance whenever you need it!

Rune Guidance

This is a collection of rune meanings in LOVE and CAREER based on the author's understanding of ancient wisdom in rune readings. This book is intended to help those wandering souls to get back on the right track whether it is the matter of love or career, and hark the voice of the inner heart aligned with the universe and eternal spirit in this rambling world.

The 2nd edition of Door to Inner Voice: Mysterious Rune Meanings (Rune Guide for Love and Career). The current short title of the book is Runic Guide for Love & Career. The only difference is that I have added merkstave interpretation for both career and relationship for each rune thanks to the good suggestion proposed by the first reviewer B. Looney. I hope it makes more sense to seekers of the answers to love and career for its clarity brought by the rune divine guidance. 

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Rune Meanings in Love

Rune Meanings in Career

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