North Node Leo Book

North Node Leo, South Node Aquarius

North Node Leo Past Life, North Node Leo Life Purpose, North Node Leo Soul Transformation

By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Leo One Sentence Mantra

North Node Leo, let your inner child jump out from your old-fashioned intellectual bosom!

North Node Leo Karmic Debts

North node Leo used to be logical, meticulous scholars or engineers or scientists in their previous incarnations. They were free spirits who are filled with humanity and concern about the greater good of society. They tend to neglect their own egos or identities and immerse themselves completely in the seas of books, experiments, thoughts, etc. Hence, they have lost the genuine touch with their inner child that everyone has in order to become a balanced soul who could fully savvy and enjoy what life offers to them.

Continuous objectivity persistent in north node Leo's past lives have isolated them from imagination and inspiration from their own wits. It is thirsty for creativity and spontaneity in this lifetime.

North Node Leo Against All the Odds

North Node Leo needs to avoid group activities that make them lose in self-image or blunt their sense of self. They will find new spring of life starts to flow in when they relinquish the following tendencies:

Odd 1: Keep Indifferent to others' emotion

Odd 2: Always look for a sense of belongings in the group

Odd 3: Being passive and daydreaming without taking action

Odd 4: Stubborn scientific approaches to everything

Soul Transformation

Life starts to sing for them when they can allow themselves to become soft and adept at developing a more imaginative and creative way of life, especially when they dare to leave old habits behind and let their inner child out and shine:

North Node Leo

For those who are born in the following years

Nov. 22, 1942---May 11, 1944

June 11, 1961---Dec. 23, 1962

Jan. 13, 1980---Sept. 24, 1981

Oct. 21, 1998---Apr. 9, 2000

We all have different unnamable pains in life that we must suffer to move forward, which could look strange to others. Do you wonder?

Get MORE enlightened and Emotional Rapport with The Song of Souls!

Pond of Group

I am so eager

To gather around my pals just

 In order to

See my own image

Reflected upon the pond of group

As if I look at mirror

Each morning when I wake up

I search endlessly

Through the limelight of night

The creativity that I yearn for so deeply

Only to find


The Song of Souls for North Node Leo available now at here

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