The Song of Souls: North Node Pisces

Your North Node Sign, Your Innermost Pain, and Your Magic Cure!

North Node Pisces, South Node Virgo

North Node Pisces Past Life, North Node Pisces Life Purpose, North Node Pisces Soul Transformation

The Song of Souls: North Node Pisces

North Node Sign Pisces

For those who are born in the following years

Dec. 29, 1931---June 24, 1933

July 27, 1950---Mar. 28, 1952

Apr. 20, 1969---Nov. 2, 1970

Dec. 3, 1987---May 22, 1989

We all have different unnamable pains in life that we must suffer to move forward, which could look strange to others. Do you wonder?

Get MORE enlightened and Emotional Rapport with The Song of Souls!

Another Beauty

It is ugly

to put everything

under subjective control

To fix the problem by narrowly

focusing on one point

It is ugly

to strive to be right

Ignoring the truth of a matter


The Song of Souls for North Node Pisces is available at here.

More The Song of Souls Books Here

By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Pisces One Sentence Mantra

Escape from rigid logic prison and jump into the wind listening to nature and echo with the Earth.

North Node Pisces Karmic Debts

People born under the north node Pisces owe a great amount of natural energy to the Universe. For centuries, they have been trained to live through lives using their mind and logic only. Life to them is like a meticulously designed computer. So they seek orders and structures everywhere. If they do not get those organized stuff, their hearts feel empty, nervous, and insecure very much in the same way as they lost their compasses in the desert. This gives them excessive anxiety and hypersensitiveness and overanalysis in this lifetime. They are inflexible in the twists of every turn of life due to the habitual tendency to seek that perfect state of matters, that is only available in their minds. Like a frog sitting at the bottom of a well, they do not realize the sky beyond their visions unless they embrace the universe with an open mind and their heart is being explored to perceive life itself.

North Node Pisces Against All the Odds

To leave karmic debts behind once and for all, north node Pisces needs to fight against artificial logic and mechanical ways of thinking, at least not completely indulging their thoughts in those things.

Odd 1: Reluctant to embrace things or views unexpected from external

Odd 2: Afraid to be wrong and give up "being perfect"

Odd 3: Persisting in what ought to be in minds.

Odd 4: Sticking to trivialities and losing perspectives

Soul Transformation

For North Node Pisces to hit upon the right path of the soul, they just need to become an angel again. Relinquish the banal vulgarities in the world of humans and give their ears to listen to the whispers sent from the sky above.