North Node Virgo Book

North Node Virgo, South Node Pisces

North Node Virgo Past Life, North Node Virgo Life Purpose, North Node Virgo Soul Transformation

By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Virgo One Sentence Mantra

North Node Virgo will wake up from a dreamy state to a realistic kingdom!

North Node Virgo Karmic Debts

North node Virgo was the harbinger of an angelic voice. They can rely on their inner voices to navigate their lives pretty accurately. They listen, feel, and dance with the rhythm of Mother Nature. However, in this lifetime, all those precious intuitive and magic gifts are gone with the wind! What they are left are only broken pieces of old habits of the wandering soul. They lost connections to the foretelling angels. The old way of approaching the world and life no longer serves them!

By and by, they shoulder a heavy debt on how to understand people around them, and the whole environment they are living in does not make sense to them at all. They are really confused and often fall into a conscious coma.

North Node Virgo Against All the Odds

The most urgent step for north node Virgo to leave the old karma and cut the new road during soul upgrading is to overcome the following odds:

Odd 1: The constant feelings of being victimized

Odd 2: Relying on gut feelings and instincts

Odd 3: Withdrawal to the inner world and neglect the reality

Odd 4: Indulgence in going with the flow

Soul Transformation

Wake up, wake up! It is all too easy for north node Virgo to fall into sleep in a waking state. The folks are used to daydreaming and tend to deceive themselves in the aroma of subconsciousness. Unfortunately, those tendencies only give the natives false signals and lead them onto the wrong path in this lifetime. They will increasingly get more confused if they do not change their direction. But things though difficult can still get done if they do the following:

North Node Virgo

For those who are born in the following years

May 25, 1941---Nov. 21, 1942

Dec. 16, 1959---June 10, 1961

July 6, 1978---Jan. 12, 1980

Jan. 26, 1997---Oct. 20, 1998

We all have different unnamable pains in life that we must suffer to move forward, which could look strange to others. Do you wonder?

Get MORE enlightened and Emotional Rapport with The Song of Souls!

Mirage and World

I am walking in the sands

White tides turn over kissing my bare feet

I look up to the sky

There is a kingdom

Full of orders and lights

It has a dome-shaped halo on the top

Sucking my energy into it

My heart feels the tucking magnet force


The Song of Souls for North Node Virgo is available at here

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