Broken Heart Syndrome Ruins Sleep Quality 

Two Factors to Understand the Quality of Sleep

Do you know broken heart sleep is as horrible as something incurable? Everybody loves to improve sleep quality to stay healthy and get more energy. We all know how important the role sleep plays. But poor sleep quality has become a norm in our modern society. Sleep cycle and sleep quality are the two factors for us to estimate whether we get a good sleep.

Misconceptions on the Good Sleep

Many people pay too much attention to the sleep quantity as if 7 or 8 hours of night sleep would put them under a safety belt. However, good quality sleep has no causal relationship with the hours of sleep in an absolute sense. They are connected only when the quality of sleep is good enough. There are also a lot of people who deem alcohol as a nice stimulant for good sleep. Some of them even consider alcohol as a cure or medicine for insomnia. This is a big misconception. Science and clinical evidence shows: Drinking disrupts the regular sleeping cycle and even worse, hurts liver function because it is against the natural metabolism of the liver at night. Although you may feel sleepy with alcohol intake, it is just an illusion of good sleep.

Factors Affecting Sleep: Nothing More Important Than Inner Peace, the Recovery of a Broken Heart

We need to probe into the problem of each individual's insomnia to get a better sleep quality because insomnia is a problem of multiple causes. There is also a dynamic relationship between sleep quantity and sleep quality. The statistic shows that too many hours spent on sleep is as harmful as too few hours. Oversleeping, like overeating or overcooking, makes sleep function in a counterproductive way! It is the universal truth that all extreme things do not survive. Broken heart sleep is the sleep out of balance in mind and heart. Balance is the key. But it is extremely difficult to gain a fine balance between our mind and body.

Sounds familiar and right? Otherwise, life would have been easy absent struggles and troubles. Oversleeping can be an instinct in psychology to escape the world. When one indulges oneself in sleeping more than what he or she needs, he or she is reluctant to face the life straightforwardly. Static Meditation is much needed here to avoid broken heart sleep.

The Role of Inner Peace for Good Sleep

In our life, if one is not mentally balanced, full of anxiety and stress, external factors are not controlling. It means even if all external disturbing factors are removed, we still cannot have a good quality step. On the other hand, if we feel free of anxiety and stress, we can have good sleep without being disturbed by bad external factors, such as the sleeping environment or other sleeping conditions.

A poor beggar with inner serenity and peace can sleep safe and sound on the street in the open air, whereas a rich man can turn and toss around on his thick soft mattress in an air-conditioned luxury king bedroom. Isn't it true? The former may carry a carefree heart because the meager resources of his life make him simple and good, whereas possession of too much money instigates greed, lust, and other negative human emotions which makes one heartbroken.

Knowing it is all about our broken heart which keeps us awake all night is helpful for us to correctly adjust our sleep patterns without unnecessary self-defeating psychological interference or unconscious mental disruption.

Sleep Cycles Clarified

Vivid lucid dreams often signal good quality of sleep. There are two kinds of sleep: REM and non-REM sleep. REM sleep is characterized by a rapid eye movement pattern. We dream during REM sleep. We can have different types of dreams. Those nonsense dreams often signal shallow sleep where our brain clears up the informational waste and get it organized.

But when we enter into lucid dreams, we start to migrate to another space or world with our soul, and our physical brain takes good rest. For more information, stay tuned with this blog. I will publish a book on this deep and interesting yet mysterious topic! When we are totally relaxed and gained a fine balance in heart, feel no more broken, we can cross over the barriers that prevent us from being free. Without a free spirit, our souls are bogged down on the Earth even during sleep, and lucid dreams require very deep sleep where our spirit is independent of our body so that we can feel we are dreaming when we are in the dream. To do this, we need to amend our broken heart, as a broken heart only pulls our soul down.


In sum, to have quality sleep, we need to understand which part of the sleep cycle really serves its purpose of taking good rest and the controlling factor for good sleep lies in the peace and harmony within our hearts.

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