Candy Love: Love makes your soul out

Candy love is the stimulus of soul liberation.

"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” - Zora Neale Hurston

Candy Love is a mild medicine that cures everything hurtful in our heart. We tend to crawl into the cave of soul when we are deprived of love to protect our heart from being attacked again. But when love truly arrives, with warm and sweet scent permeating all the air around us, singing the most heart-touching lyrics with tender voice, the impulse of crawling out from hiding place is so strong because love makes us feel secure, comfortable, and feel like to share our feelings and dance with life. We feel eager to show the true color of self to the object of love. Self-love is not only the love to self, it is also the confidence to make the object of love falls in love with us.

Love is like a thunderstorm. It can water down all the barriers built up in our hearts for self-defense. With assurance of love, we are willing to open our heart and be vulnerable to the one whom we deeply love. It is the magic of surrender to love! When love grows stronger and stronger, there will be a tremendous strength keeping pushing us to merge with the loved one so that we could not help opening up ourselves to the lover. If they go sky high up to
