Love is a Blessing or a Curse? 2nd part

What is love in a romantic relationship? 

Some say love is a blessing while others say love is a curse. How could we tell true love in real life? Are there any features or signals that we could spot at early stage of a relationship in order to cherish the love that paves the way for happy marriage later on?

Well, in the face of true love, we like to do the following things:

A Sign of Choked Love- Instant Self Defense

Everybody knows if we have been truly in love, we automatically put our guards on at first like an instinct, it is the sign of possible love, but not love yet.  Love is giving, but before giving, if you feel a bit threatened about the object of love, at least it speaks out your mind that your heart is stirred by the love interest. You are almost ready to give your love, but you are still standing on the door step making decision and weighing up the factors to protect yourself. We all know, love is extremely consuming our energies and it is the basic fabric and driving force of life.

Secret Investigation by Subconsciousness in Love

Before we venture into a love relationship, we like to test the object of love or simple observe the object of love in secret. After initial investigative stage, we love to talk about our feelings & thoughts. We like sharing our laughter and tears with that special person. Love stimulates our inner desires to let more beautiful energy out, through dynamic interactions. Our expression of self, shows the true color of our soul to that special person. The sincere communication between lovers is based on mutual trust without love fear and proud ego, two of the evilest spiritual barriers against love.

Love Curse: Fear of Love and Proud Ego: Two Devils Go Hand in Hand

Fear of love and proud ego are two devils go hand in hand. It simply cannot be your love at least for current moment if you fear to reveal your true feelings or your proud ego prevents you from showing intimacy to the one you are attracted to. Why? Your sub-consciousness is not ready to accept this love. It is giving you a big NO sign and prompt you to be cautious and advising you to know the object of love better before your guard of protection or self-defense in heart could be loosened.

The problem is that the person you are interested in has not given you a sense of security to make you open up your heart and mind. This is a psychic reflection of what the object of love has been giving you in love.

When it comes to our proud ego, it is indeed the other side of fear. True, sometimes the proud comes from looking down other people, but in most circumstances, when we are attracted by someone, the proud ego stands in the way, which causes our reluctance to tear off our mask to express our love feelings to the object of love. According to human nature, we become humble and surrender ourselves to love only when we are free of fear. Proud ego emerges when we do not trust the unknown. It is an alternative way of self-protection. Love only starts to unfold and flow naturally after we feel free and secure again.

Love is Blessing when it is absent Fear and Ego

When we are truly in love with someone, we are relaxed absent fear of love and proud ego. This is the bottom-line for the answer to the question "what is love?". We want to attract our loved one's attention and communicate with them in order to get a sense of oneness. With true love, we never have to worry about an indifferent tiresome face or fear being rejected. If we do worry and fear, we are merely afraid of disillusionment-a form of self-deceit in Love.

Love is Blessing when you Splash the Joy of Mutual Understanding and Harmony

In true love, we enjoy interactions as running water splashing the joy of mutual understandings and admiration. Like a piece of pleasurable music, we feel the bond of love is deepened in this way. It is the feel of harmony. Love is courage itself. We dare to be self in front of the loved one. Our loved one gives us enough confidence as their heart resonates with ours, and we know exactly that this love is not something illusive. He or she is the real person who loves us for who we are. We can be both an austere adult and childish kid. Our lover likes to listen to our heart and leads a life of freedom and beauty with us.

As a string of harmony, love seems to be mutual subconscious understandings between lovers. We might think about each other or sing the same song at the same point of time out of expectations. When we look into each other's eyes, we peek into the window of their souls, joyfully cherishing the igniting spiritual sparks, as if we are the same person in two different bodies, and smile for this bliss in quietness. This is an intuitive way to explain the question: "What is love?".

The Uncertainty of Love in Rivers of Time and Fate

Of course, in love, we tend to get more and more nervous or anxious with the elapse of time, because true love can be so precious that we cannot afford diluting its intensity in the river of time. We wanted to focus on now and indulge in Love as long as possible. Deep inside we know, although love is blessing, time is a carrier of the future, which contains many things that might diminish or change love, exposing us to the unknown challenges or fates. Yes, even true love is vulnerable to the fate because nothing in this world is unconditional, whether the conditions are physical or spiritual, having shape or shapeless, visible or invisible.


In sum, the best feel of love always gives us personal freedom for soul growth. We could step out from the intimacy for a moment and get back to love without wondering where our lover will be, based on the deep grounded mutual trust in love. If you have encountered your true love, grasp it and enjoy for the moment!

A deep exploration into Love Bible Life Contract (Kindle version here) may bring you cheerful enlightenment and a relaxed state of mind!