Meditation to Restore Self Love

As to meditation, one can hardly imagine a person who is in a great depression would care so much about how he or she looks. Self-love is often elusive at this moment. When we sink into a deep worrisome mental state, we really detach ourselves from the surface of life, which includes food, clothes, and other personal enjoyments. Our souls are immersed in waters of anxiety. Most things in earthly life really do not matter at all. In another word, the sensory cell of the body to feel happiness is disabled to a certain extent. We used to call it numbness. The numbness is full of negative energy that closed many doors to hope, endurance and touching moments.

How can we tackle it? Our life as we know is both physical and spiritual in essence. Most cases, it is those spiritual things that made us sick and upset. More than 80% of diseases are derived from spiritual sickness. Our soul is the key center of physical health. But as the physical and the spiritual are two faces of the universe, it is completely possible for us to make physical adjustments to address the spiritual illness through self-love meditation.

Let us just envision this first: absent a strong heart, youth may simply slip away from our faces overnight. Our life quality will be terribly discounted when wrinkles on our face reveal the quickened process of aging and our tiresome expressions exhaust the last drop of youthful energy, which become a permanent ugly confession to the public that we are such a pack of poor suffering souls. If we could not help falling out of love and swallowing the aftermath of it, then what slaves of love we are! To rescue our falling souls, we can try to retrieve our sweet youthful look as youth rings back our beauty and love, especially renewing the hope that dilutes our despair. With hope, dreaming vision, and the potential to reach success and happiness are always possible. But how to retrieve the youth that could have such refreshing energy against relentless physical elapsing of time?