One Sided Love Meaning a Blind Stubborn Ego

One Sided Love Meaning: a blind stubborn ego without self.

"If you do not love me I shall not be loved. If I do not love you I shall not love."- Samuel Beckett

One sided love meaning frequently cause confusions in our heart for romantic life. The sexiest feature of love is being loved deeply with whole heart of someone. No matter how much our heart is attracted to someone, we should never fall in love with that person if we are not loved by that person. If we insist to love nevertheless, we are SELFLESS.

Love is mutual. To love, we first need to be truthful and sincere to self, never lying about our real feelings for love. So to be frank, let’s think about this: One-sided love is a completely blind love. If there is no reciprocal feeling of love between a man and a woman, the so called love is merely an illusory fantasy. How could you fall in love with your own fantasy?

Love is a game of give and take. No single thing in this world is completely free of charge. Everything comes with a price. Even the air we breathe everyday has the price of staying alive. It works like the law of conservation of energy. To take, you have to give first, but to give, you have to take first. If someone does not give love to you, how could you take that person's love? Without taking love first, how could you give love to that person? Hence mutual love is required for give and take. This is just the bare truth of the reality. If you still believe that you can be loved by someone who does not love you, you are merely dreaming on. How to tackle with one sided love according to the law of the Universe?