Secret between Self love and Success

Self Love and Success

The self-love and success combined is a kind of natural product of talents and efforts. When we love self and believe in something, we should just do it to manifest the magic of our efforts. It is hard and sometimes even painful when we push our limits to reach the full potential of our talents, yet our efforts and beliefs will reward us with sweet fruits of long lasting happiness in our life. We can dream on whatever we love to do, and the dream with efforts and talents will take us to the destination of the greatest achievement. When we envision our success, the success will be embedded deeply in our hearts. Like a seed, with the nourishment of talents, it would grow into a big tree.

The firm belief in our own capability and talent is one of the highest form of self-love because we are not reluctant to recognize our worth and value; we are not disregarding our true potential, and most importantly, we are always patient with our efforts.

Love is patience, as Bible divined us with its graceful delight. If you feel hard to concentrate your energy on making your dream come true, the tiresome feelings that catch you every morning when you wake up would tell you unequivocally that how disgusting you feel for yourself, the lazy soul who has abandoned one's own passion and forgot the mission of this lifetime, counting and spending the limited days of life in vanity as a living corpse. The neglect of our talents and lack of faith and patience to grow and manifest them are actually mirrors that reflect serious lack of self-love.

We appreciate this precious self-belief and encourage ourselves along the way in a wasteland when the initial efforts start to flow in. We, however, could be wondering about the space around which nobody supports our ideas and efforts. Thus, self love is really everything to start with, whether it is the first step to career success or the ultimate triumph on the love we yearn for!

We all have a mini cosmos in our hearts that no one knows except God, the divine Father and Creator of the Universe. So it is not weird that nobody knows ourselves better than ourselves, except God, in subconscious way. We have gut feelings on what we are good at, or what we are capable of. That is why the saying goes like: "If you can dream you can do it!"

It is quite self-explanatory. For example, I am blind at figuring out of road directions, so it is impossible for me to say that i feel like to become a travel guide who need this talent. Or, I will not claim my dream to become a computer software engineer if I get headache with the computer codes. So listen to your heart, it will point the right direction of your talents, envision it, do what you love, and keep aiming at it, it will come naturally.

To outsiders, your efforts and good work will emerge in front of their eyes someday, somewhere if you invested in great amount of faith and patience. It could take its shape all of sudden after a long period of diligent efforts.

Believe me, and believe in yourself. Let's see the bounty in the future!

A deep exploration into Love Bible Life Contract (Kindle version here) may bring you cheerful enlightenment and a relaxed state of mind!