Time in Love Varies from person to person

Time in Love is an evading issue that we are often wondering...

"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”- Barbara de Angelis

Time is illusory

It often makes us feel so differently in different scenarios depending on our state of mind in current moment that we need to verify and renew our sense of existence in this world times and times again. This world is subjective in terms of our life experience. If we treat time as an objective thing, then we would share the same feelings for time, which is obviously not true. We are all going through different moments of life on the earth. Someone laughs, someone cries, someone sings, someone leaves, etc, time is a music finely tuned to our mood based on our various life experience.

There does exist the third parameter that could adjust our feelings for time. It is self-love. Although our feelings for time is elastic and commensurate with our feelings for life, we do possess self-love to contain our feelings within a reasonable boundary, to slow down or speed up our perception of time and lift our souls from suffering pains, anxieties and depressions. How we feel about time actually serves as a reflective mirror of how we treat ourselves in life. Time, after all, is just..