North Node Sagittarius Parent

North Node Sagittarius Child

North node Sagittarius were masters of ideas and understandings as professors or other intellectuals in previous incarnations. As a result, they used to see and analyze others' thoughts and minds. By and by, they are lost in their own identities. It is common for them to be curious children who have loved to study since primary school. 

Who am I? What do I think? Because of their circumspect views on multi-faceted truth, they have become pools of ideas. Nevertheless, this group of souls is urged to find unique ways to re-emerge as independent and unique spirits who own their thoughts in this lifetime. As parents, they are challenged to break the norm of thinking patterns and be enlightened parents.

Things are getting more complicated when North Node Sagittarius falls into different houses in a natal chart. A different house represents a different area of life, which is ruled by a different Lord of the house and the planet of the house is different as well.  All these factors can get our soul energies mixed and confused and even conflicting or contradictory when mingled together. Like a vivid living person, who shares basic human features with a different mix of characters and genes. North Node Sagittarius's parent-child relationship depends on the particular house in which the North Node Sagittarius sits.  

Frequently Asked Questions about North Node Parent-Child Relationship:

The north node is the fixed tendency inevitable to develop in this life for our spiritual growth. It starts from our family life because relatives especially parents are the first group of people who interact with our south and north node energy in home life.  It helps us to unriddle the unnamable conflicts within the family and provide efficient solutions for deeply rooted spiritual illness. People never understand each other absent the understanding of the north node signs. It is true for the parent and child relationship as well.  Misunderstandings and chaos often result from the blind our outdated south node energies starting from our home. To overcome the hurdles of the parent-child relationship and transcend the old self like a butterfly. Whenever you get stuck in your family life, you can look up to your north node to check the solutions. It is the magic cure for your pains throughout your entire life.  With the guidance of your north node, you will never get astrayed again!

Karmic nodes let us have a very precious chance to unriddle the hard life we are experiencing. In this world, all families have their problems. All parent-child problems originate from the conflicts between the south node and the north node although they are manifested through various forms, be financial, emotional, ideological, or psychological.  Every parent-child relationship has its route to go and it depends on the interactions between their respective node energies and signs.  How could we keep awake in the middle of chaotic energies? Absent a north node explanation, we do not know ourselves in the real sense. What we perceive, see, and think is not what our real self does because the two opposing karmic forces between the south node and north node give us contradictory answers. So, we do not know how to handle parent-child relationships sensibly and wisely. What will happen then? So, it is paramount important to discern the two opposite energies, their manifestations, and their influences in our daily family lives. Only with the right guidance of north node energies, we can achieve happiness at home with a parent or child, the true harmony in the spiritual realm.

Check out the meaning of your North Node Sagittarius placement through the list below for North Node Sagittarius's Parent and Child in the 12 Houses. By careful and discreet analysis, we can grasp the picture of North Node Sagittarius's Parent and Child in EACH house.