North Node Gemini Book

North Node Gemini, South Node Sagittarius

North Node Gemini Past Life, North Node Gemini Life Purpose, North Node Gemini Soul Transformation

By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Gemini One Sentence Mantra

North Node Gemini is migrating from a lucid dreaming realm to a vibrant and exploring space of thinking mode 

North Node Gemini Karmic Debts

In past lives, North Node Gemini had a special gift of accurate intuition. They rely on it in all respects of life. By and by, it is deeply imprinted in their heart that what they perceive is always right. This habitual self-assured confidence has developed for centuries and gone extreme into being self-righteous. This self-righteousness further allures the natives to a state of aloofness, where they do not need to interact or communicate with the outside, be a person or a network, to get the answer they are seeking.

They used to guess or assume what others know or think. The precious gifts endowed to their past lives do not work in this lifetime anymore! The swift approach to successes they enjoyed in a past life will only land them in a rush and immature decision and be disliked by others as inconsiderate shortcuts or careless spontaneity. The truth in this lifetime for North Node Gemini is that they will never know what others think unless they ask and communicate with others to check the very facts they need before acting on it.

North Node Gemini Against All the Odds

The odds for North Node Gemini keep pushing them away from people and the concrete world around them. They really need to open their minds to embrace the real world and merge into crowds once again in this lifetime. Deep and seclusive inner works do not serve them well in this life. They can no longer live like a detached soul. Life will urge them to go out lest suffer continuous bounce back or frustration. To survive, the native should focus on getting rid of the following tendencies:

Odd 1: Sinking into self-explanation mode whenever interacting with others

Odd 2: Instinctively withdrawing into private space to find a solution

Odd 3: Acting on the gut feelings

Odd 4: Reluctant to become open-minded

Soul Transformation

The soul needs to transcend the odds that make North Node Gemini life touchy and difficult. They can do this step by step.

They can begin this profound spiritual transition by:

North Node Gemini

For those who are born in the following years

Dec. 14, 1945 ---Aug. 2, 1947

Aug. 26, 1964---Feb. 19, 1966

Mar. 17, 1983---Sept. 11, 1984

Oct. 13, 2001---Apr. 13, 2003

We all have different unnamable pains in life that we must suffer to move forward, which could look strange to others. Do you wonder?

Get MORE enlightened and Emotional Rapport with The Song of Souls!

Shifting Focus of Attention

I could not get direction

When I walk with you merely talking about myself

We are like two parallel lines

Solid boredom grows

As we walk farther and farther

Finally evaporate as skyline

Merge into invisible darkness

After twilight arrives

Let me turn to you


Silence my restless words


The Song of Souls North Node Gemini is Now Available  Here.

The Song of Souls North Node Gemini

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