
North Node Taurus Book

North Node Taurus, South Node Scorpio

North Node Taurus Past Life, North Node Taurus Life Purpose, North Node Taurus Soul Transformation

By Chris Wei Chen

North Node Taurus One Sentence Mantra

North Node Taurus: It is time for me to turn within to find a secure rut more solid than any synergies.

North Node Taurus Karmic Debts

North Node Taurus has lived through many past lives as a part of synergies. It has become so natural for them to think and behave in a sense of an inseparable union with other souls. As a result, their emotional style is rather intensive because they needed the very intensity to maintain solid reliable partnerships in their previous incarnations. They have no self-validation function like some people do. All they can instinctively depend on is validation from their soul mates or partners. The desire to get recognized for their self-worth is so strong and becomes the endless yearning of the soul urge.

This deep-rooted karmic debt lies in the cause of the absent sense of self within their own heart. The parasite's style of feeding on other's energy and vice versa has led them to the dead-ended road of self-evolution in this lifetime.

North Node Taurus Against All the Odds

The Odds for North Node Taurus that obstruct them from attaining their karmic goal are heavy-loaded attachments to others, especially in emotional matters. Because they have been accustomed to emergency situations where collaboration or a partnership working as one person are common, they need to avoid by all means the byproducts resulting from those habitual tendencies in an emergency for this life.

Soul Transformation

The transformation of the soul for this native starts with taking a step back and having an independent position. Once they are willing to relax to think from within for themselves only, the flow of the upgrading energy runs smoothly:

North Node Taurus

For those who are born in the following years

Aug. 3, 1947---Jan. 26, 1949

Feb. 20, 1966---Aug. 19, 1967

Sept. 12, 1984---Apr. 6, 1986

Apr. 14, 2003---Dec. 25, 2004

We all have different unnamable pains in life that we must suffer to move forward, which could look strange to others. Do you wonder?

Get MORE enlightened and Emotional Rapport with The Song of Souls!

Steps at the Same Pace

I followed you closely

As you should do the same

Step in and step out

We are walking side by side

Keep abreast of the rhyme

All of sudden

I fell down and got sidetracked from our path

I notified you in the first instance

But 1 second, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour…have elapsed

You sent me a routine message

So careless light

Like a feather

Remote coldness

My heart



We were out of the steps


Now Available: The Song of Souls North Node Taurus

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