Unconditional Love

Oh.....Love, Love, Love.... happiness in love! Is love something unselfish or merely selfless? Um…let's ponder it, meditate and reflect upon it.                  --Chris Wei Chen

Oh.....Love, Love, Love.... happiness in love! Is love something unselfish or merely selfless? Um…let's ponder it, meditate and reflect upon it.

"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own. " - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Is this referring to the so-called unconditional love? How come can a person still love someone if he or she sacrifices his/her own happiness for others' happiness? We love because love gives us hope, faith and beauty and help us grow.

How could we say that we should still be in love with someone where we always put someone, the loved one ahead of our own happiness no matter what type of person we are romantically involved with, regardless whether he or she is a person worthy to be loved? If our answer is still yes, I would have to say, how blind our love would be if we follow it.

Moreover, I see a serious problem lurking inside this type of love because the love is built on our soul’s sickness that caused the lack of both the self identity and the value of self worth. Maybe you never have been woken to the reality of self: Who are you? What you really need? What is the purpose of your life? This is the most sensitive question and the most urgent issue to you before you should try to venture into the world of love and before you should start your own journey to find love with others. There is a saying that the one who makes you cry is never the right one because the right one who deserves your love will never make you cry. So why should you put other person's happiness ahead of you even if that person hurts you deeply?

After all, love does have many pre-requisites before we are ready to make sacrifice for it. Unconditional love only exists in divine dimension, not in romantic relationship dimension. True romantic love never existed between two persons who are wrong to each other. Love is a heart-to-heart compatibility.