How to find love

How to find love is a question that we are seeking for an accurate answer all the time. But we need to think outside of the box.

"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you. " - Loretta Young

Do we really understand the deep meanings behind this love quote? Love is mysterious and fatal at the same time. It is mysterious because we never know when and where love will all of sudden pop up and stand in front of us. It happens most likely in an unexpected scenario as witnessed by many life experiences. Love is also mysterious because of our blindness to the need of our inner soul for love.

Due to our ignorance of ourselves, we do not truly know our desires deep inside. Thus love cannot be something that we find purposefully in our waking consciousness. They do not stay in our imagination either, nor do they linger in various theories of love. We have no idea of how love feels like, looks like and tastes like, until that heart-touching moment arrives.

On the other hand, because of the fatal nature of love, actually there is no pure coincidence for our chance of meeting love. According to the law of attraction in the universe and the karmic rule of what goes around comes around, we all get the love that we deserve. Our love will find us sooner or later.

Love is also the greatest transformational power of spiritual growth. Love will find us because it has the mission to upgrade our soul to the next higher level that is meant to be.