Love and Respect-two solitude

Love and Respect go together

"Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other.”- Rainer Maria Rilke

Love and Respect are both independent and dependent

Love and respect stand like a twin towers. Love is a safe gulf whose warm water melts cold shell of independent sense of self into a heart-touching warm reunion of two souls. However, love does not make lovers lose each other's own identity. Otherwise, mutual attraction in love loses its appeal all of sudden. True love respects self-love and takes care of each other's own spiritual needs to breathe freely in private. From time to time, lovers connect the energy between them and warm each other in the heart while remain peaceful in their own solitude.

Respect survives and prospers in love

How come could love still survive in solitude as opposed to routine intimacy in our daily life? God knows, distance never truly exists when two hearts are close to each other. Distance caused by solitude will only make true love merrier and stronger. It stands to past the test of time, and allows our souls to grow in a relationship that is respectful and non-aggressive. Love in solitude supports self-love and freedom to be self!

The more developed you are in the process of self growth, the more flourished your love life will become. But all are dependent on the strength of the original love. For love to grow with respect, we have to stand on a solid ground, which is the strength of love. The strength of love contains endurance, patience and persistence. If we give up too early whenever conflicts arise, we never get a chance to grow in love and give space to respect.
