Love fear is forever affixed

Love Fear by Wei Chen:

Good and true love requires us to open our hearts completely to the loved one

For love to be true and good, it is inevitable that 

we expose our innermost vulnerability to our lover. 



the more we take love seriously, the more we would fear, 

because we know how much we care and how painful it would be 

if so much appreciated love is broken. 


Not only fear we lose our appeal to the object of love, 

but also we fear that the object of love finally 

turns out to be a completely different person 

from what we initially perceived, 

resulting in huge bubbles of love disillusion.


We fear,

the changing scenes of things and the environment 

would finally overturn the feelings we cherished for so long. 

Love, like anything else in this world, 

is not built on nothing. 


Love is the finished product, and most of time, it is the rare product that demands numerous things constructed in a certain magical way, so it is the most vulnerable and also the strongest if it happens to form a solid foundation with numerous connections of things.

Love is like a delicate tapestry, woven together with various life coincident, incidents, and threads of trust, communication, understanding, and patience. Each thread must be carefully intertwined to create a strong and beautiful bond that can withstand the tests of time and adversity. Just as a tapestry is made up of many individual threads, love is built on a foundation of shared experiences, memories, and emotions that bind two people together in a unique and unbreakable way. When all these elements come together in just the right way, love becomes an enduring masterpiece that can weather any storm. It is this intricate combination of vulnerability and strength that makes love such a powerful force in our lives.

Fear in love is a signal of the deepest affection

When love is kept in silence with fear, it is the most genuine feel of love. Most people would say that it is also a signal of the lack of confidence in self and lack of faith in true love because faith is a blind trust and the strength brought by true love could transcend anything else in life. With that eternal feeling, we are self-assured in love. Sounds good? It is actually no so. If we are truly in love, we would never be able to possess that blind trust with 100% assurance.

Love that is kept in silence with fear is often the most genuine because it comes from a place of vulnerability and raw emotion. When we are afraid to express our love openly, it shows just how deeply we care for someone and how much they mean to us. This type of love is not driven by external validation or societal expectations, but rather by a pure and authentic connection between two people. It is a love that transcends words and actions, existing solely in the heart and soul. And while it may be scary to reveal our true feelings, the depth of emotion that comes with keeping love silent only serves to make it stronger and more meaningful in the end.

Because love is not about control or possession, it is about mutual respect, understanding, and acceptance. Trust is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship, but it is also something that must be continuously earned and maintained. No one can ever truly know what the future holds or how circumstances may change, so there will always be a level of uncertainty in any relationship. However, if both partners are committed to open communication, honesty, and building a strong foundation of trust, then they can navigate through any challenges that come their way. Love is about taking risks and being vulnerable, knowing that there are no guarantees but having faith in each other to weather whatever storms may come.

The debate goes like the topic on "Who wins between human being and the God?"

In the unknown vast universe, we do fear unexpected occurrence that could break our love just in seconds. Do not tell me that we need to be confident in love. Everything, including true love is really something beyond our control. Yes, we do need to keep faith in everything. But doesn't Faith also belong to our fate? There is no coincidence in life. Our closeness with God depends on our fate as well. For example, if you never had any good chance to be influenced by God, and if you never experienced any connection between God and you, how could you believe it?

Fate, is not a superstitious thing

Instead, it is a science to be explored. Although we know there is something eternal in true love, we do need a physical structure to hold up true love in life. Fear in love is the more objective and realistic feelings of true love. With fear, we confess the honest and deepest passion as human being in romantic love. 

So what is love fear?

Fear has been taken as one of evils in our life or a negative energy disturbing our peace of mind. It creates troubles, doubts, disputes, conflicts, struggles, hesitations, even emotional and physical violence, etc. It is a dark force that manifests the hidden ulglieness and meanness of soul. When we are in low vibration, we tend to fear.

When we feel impotent, we tend to fear. Because of its dark energy, we lose the ability to trust the brightness of the world. When we are in the darkness, we tend to believe in darkness. Most relationship problems can be traced to fear, the original problem attracted to negative energy. As soon as we are controlled by fear, we are kidnapped by dark force so as to lose control of ourselves, including losing the right to love self, not to mention to love others. Although fear is the honest feel of love, it is only the first step to cross the barriers in order to let true love grow.

Why, tell me why? Love is so hard with fear. My gut feelings tell me it is the secret of universe. Love after all, is an ultimate laurel for those who passed obstacles of life, including our psychological barriers. I would rather see true love as a ticket, not something emotional purely. It is a privilege for the deserved to enjoy. Before you reach it, you have to go over the fear first, the biggest monster in love.


Get lost in love? No worries, all will be well. Have a good day! :-)